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New I'm OnCall v3.0 - Preview (available in June)!!

- Free upgrade for all existing I'm OnCall subscribers
- Performance improvement
- Queue management for live chat with end-users
- End-user rating of the technician at the end of a support session
- Unattended reboot
- Reboot into "Safe Mode"
- Shareable licenses (Unlimited number of technicians can share one license)

Get your I'm OnCall free trial if you are not a subscriber yet >>

I'm OnCall FREE (available along with I'm OnCall v3.0)

In response to our customers' demand to provide a non-commercial remote support tool, we are glad to offer a lite version of I'm OnCall that is absolutely FREE!

You can remotely help your friends and family to resolve their computer related issues by remotely controlling their computers without having to subscribe to any remote support service.

Get to learn more about I'm OnCall >>

I'm InTouch GoMail - Preview!

- Free app for iOS and Android devices
- No more storing of emails on your ISP and risk of a privacy breach
- Get push notification of new emails received at your Outlook*
- Read your Outlook Inbox on your mobile device
- Send/Reply/Forward activities completely logged on your Outlook

* Your Outlook computer must be I'm InTouch-enabled

help desk logo

“Shareable Licenses” - a great way to $ave money!

Unlike other Online Help Desk solutions that require you to subscribe to 1 license for each technician that will be supporting a client, with the I'm OnCall shareable license system, you only need to subscribe to the number of licenses that will ever be used at the same time.

The Shareable License Model means your technicians can share your company's I'm OnCall licenses. For instance, if your company has 20 technicians who will be supporting clients, but only 10 technicians will ever be connected at the same time, you only need to subscribe to 10 licenses. Plus, each technician can still have his/her own unique user name and password allowing administrators to accurately track individual usage.

Number of

Monthly Cost
per License

Annual Cost
per License

1 to 2

$29.95 U.S.

$299.95 U.S.

3 to 5

$29.95 U.S.

$270.00 U.S.

6 to 10

$29.95 U.S.

$250.00 U.S.



Contact us at 1-800-668-2185 or with any question.

To learn more about I'm InTouch, visit our web site at
To learn more about I'm InTouch Meeting, visit our web site at
To learn more about I'm OnCall, visit our web site at

01 Communique, 01 Communique Logo, and I'm InTouch are trademarks of 01 Communique.  
All other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners
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