December 2023

IBM's Quantum Breakthrough: Condor and a shift towards Error-Resistent Computing

While this breakthrough represents a significant leap forward in computational power, it also poses challenges for traditional cryptographic systems – but don’t worry has it covered!


IBM has reached a groundbreaking milestone in quantum computing with Condor, a quantum processor housing over 1,000 qubits. While this achievement represents a leap in computational power, IBM is also strategically shifting its focus to prioritize error resistance in quantum machines.

Condor’s Quantum Leap:

Unveiled on December 4th, Condor boasts 1,121 superconducting qubits arranged in a distinctive honeycomb pattern. This quantum processor builds on IBM’s previous achievements with machines like Eagle (127 qubits) and Osprey (433 qubits), tapping into quantum phenomena for unprecedented computational capabilities.

Addressing Quantum Errors:

Despite their potential, quantum states are delicate and prone to errors. IBM’s roadmap, which previously doubled qubit numbers annually, is now emphasizing the critical need for error correction in quantum computing. Introducing Heron, a chip with 133 qubits and a record-low error rate, IBM signals a commitment to overcoming quantum errors.

The Promise of qLDPC:

IBM researchers are exploring quantum low-density parity check (qLDPC) as an alternative error-correction scheme. This method aims to significantly reduce error rates, potentially allowing logical qubits to be created with fewer physical qubits. While optimism surrounds this approach, practical implementation with superconducting qubits remains a complex challenge.

Connectivity Challenges and Solutions:

Implementing qLDPC requires each qubit to be directly connected to at least six others, a challenge for traditional superconducting chips with fewer connections. IBM’s solution involves modifying the chip design to facilitate the additional connections required by the qLDPC scheme.

A New Quantum Roadmap:

IBM’s updated roadmap outlines a focus on achieving practical computations, such as simulating catalyst molecules, by the end of the decade. Despite acknowledged challenges, IBM Quantum’s Chief Technology Officer, Oliver Dial, expresses optimism about tangible progress towards realizing practical quantum computing.


IBM’s Condor represents a significant stride in quantum computing, surpassing the 1,000 qubit milestone. The strategic shift towards error-resistant computing, coupled with innovations like Heron and exploration of qLDPC, signifies a maturation in quantum research. As IBM charts the course for practical quantum computations within the decade, the vision of quantum supremacy moves one step closer to reality.

IronCAP™ has an answer!

This significant milestone is a loud wakeup call to Q-Day – there is no time to wait! Organizations, especially those dealing with sensitive data and communications, should be proactive in adopting quantum-resistant encryption methods to safeguard their information against the potential threats posed by quantum computing advancements.

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You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit

About IronCAP

Take Control of Your Data

Trust IronCAP X™ to provide a bulletproof shield for your data. IronCAP X™ is the world's first quantum-safe, end-to-end email encryption and digital signature product. We aim to eliminate phishing. Our end-to-end encryption eliminates the intermediary server aka MITM (Man In The Middle) and our digital signature feature authenticates a legitimate sender from a malicious one. IronCAP X™ utilizes our patent-pendng IronCAP™ Engine as the underlying cryptographic mechanism to ensure safety against cyber attacks from not only the conventional world of computers today but also against future attacks from quantum computers.

Checkout more:

Video: How IronCAP X Works »

Video: Tutorial »

IronCAP X is FREE for Personal Usage »

Ensure Privacy

Your emails are end-to-end encrypted. ONLY your targeted recipients can read and they won't reside on any server.
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Digitally signing your emails so that your recipients can distinguish between your legit emails and those lethal phishing ones.
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Usage Tips of the month

How secure is the IronCAP X™ private key?

The IronCAP X™ private key is quantum-safe. This means it is not only safe against attacks from classical computers but also against attacks from future quantum computers. Its underlying cryptographic technology is IronCAP Crypto (ICC) which is a derivative of code-based cryptography. Code-based cryptography is considered as the safest quantum-safe encryption technology by many experts in the world.

Does your IronCAP X™ server store a copy of my private key?

No copy of your private key is stored in our IronCAP X™ server.

I'm InTouch

A perfect tool for remote working, I'm InTouch allows you to remotely control your office computer from anywhere - without requiring any VPN.

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I'm OnCall

A perfect tool for remote support, I'm OnCall allows you to temporary taking control of your customers' computers to provide technical support services.

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