April 2021 #3

Defense against Out-of-Control Cyberattacks

According to the Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2021, the proportion of businesses targeted by cyber criminals in the past year has increased from 38% to 43%, with over a quarter of those targeted (28%) experiencing five attacks or more.  Additionally, one in six businesses attacked (17%) said that the financial impact had materially threatened the company’s future.

In 2020 and 2021 we have seen some large-scale data breaches at major global corporations as well as government agencies. These cyber-attacks don’t just expose your data but can also cause severe financial losses, hammer your customer trust and tarnish your company’s reputation.

Gareth Wharton, CEO of Hiscox Cyber said, “One of the big takeaways of this report is the worrying range of financial impacts that cyber-attacks can have…. The risk of inaction is that the next attack could be enough to sink the business.”

How to defend against these out-of-control cyberattacks?  The answer is to implement quantum cryptography.  It is a foolproof way to help preventing not only cyber threats today but also in the fast-approaching quantum era.  And IronCAP’s quantum-safe encryption is the best-in-class quantum cryptography available today.  It has passed the due diligence of its global partners, ascertained secure at 2 global hackathons and most importantly proven IMMUNE to attack methodologies used against traditional encryption systems such as RSA.

Cyber threats are real and ever increasing, and can turn catastrophic with the arrival of quantum computing.  Businesses and government agencies should not just “sit and wait”.  They need to act now to implement IronCAP’s cryptography to protect their data today and in the quantum future.

At IronCAP we strive to create a cyber smart community.  Be cyber smart with us.  To learn more, visit www.ironcap.ca.

Insurance Journal
Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2021

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About IronCAP

Take Control of Your Data

Trust IronCAP X to provide a bulletproof shield for your data. IronCAP X is the world's first quantum-safe, end-to-end email encryption and digital signature product. We aim to eliminate phishing. Our end-to-end encryption eliminates the intermediary server aka MITM (Man In The Middle) and our digital signature feature authenticates a legitimate sender from a malicious one. IronCAP X utilizes our patent-pendng IronCAP Engine as the underlying cryptographic mechanism to ensure safety against cyber attacks from not only the conventional world of computers today but also against future attacks from quantum computers.

Checkout more:  https://www.ironcap.ca/ironcap-x/

Video: How IronCAP X Works »

Video: Tutorial »

IronCAP X is FREE for Personal Usage »

Ensure Privacy

Your emails are end-to-end encrypted. ONLY your targeted recipients can read and they won't reside on any server.
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Stop Phishing

Digitally signing your emails so that your recipients can distinguish between your legit emails and those lethal phishing ones.
Learn More »

Usage Tips of the month

Can IronCAP X work with Outlook?

Yes, IronCAP X works with Outlook 2003 or above.

Can IronCAP X work with other web-based email (e.g. Gmail)?

Yes, IronCAP X works with web-based email clients such as Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail via installation of a browser plug-in. Compatible browsers are Chrome and Firefox.

I'm InTouch

A perfect tool for remote working, I'm InTouch allows you to remotely control your office computer from anywhere - without requiring any VPN.

Learn More »

I'm OnCall

A perfect tool for remote support, I'm OnCall allows you to temporary taking control of your customers' computers to provide technical support services.

Learn More »

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