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I'm OnCall becomes even more affordable!!

- $29.95 per month or $299.95 per year
- Shareable license among unlimited number of technicians
- Contact us at 1-800-668-2185 if you need more details

Get your I'm OnCall free trial if you are not a subscriber yet >>

Competitive Upgrade

I'm InTouch Go for Windows RT Tablets now available!

- Access your computer on your RT Tablet / Surface Pro / Windows 8
- Access your computer without using an Internet browser

- Free download available on the Windows Store
- Complete Windows RT and Surface Pro look-and-feel

Get your I'm InTouch free trial if you are not a subscriber yet >>

Competitive Upgrade

Competitive Upgrade Offer!!

- Exclusive Offer for LogMeIn Free users who have been left in the dark!!
- Free mobile apps for iOS/Android -- I'm InTouch Go
- Limited-time offer for new subscriptions only
- Click the link below and enter the Promo Code "LMI-Upgrade" when prompted
- We are the original inventor: US Patent #6928479, #6938076, #8234701
- Contact us at 1-800-668-2185 if you need more details

Get your I'm InTouch special offer >>

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How does the Shareable License system work in I’m OnCall?

Unlike other online Help Desk solutions that require you to subscribe to 1 license for each technician, you only need to subscribe to the number of licenses that will ever be used at the same time with the I'm OnCall shareable license system.

The Shareable License Model means several technicians can share one I'm OnCall license. For instance, if your company has 20 technicians who will be supporting clients, but only 10 technicians will be connected at the same time, you will only need to subscribe to 10 licenses. Plus, each technician can still have his/her own unique user name and password allowing administrators to accurately track individual usage.

Contact us at 1-800-668-2185 or with any question.

Interested in Partnering with 01 Communique?

We offer a Channel Partner Program that is built on revenue gains, innovation, and opportunities for advancement. Our Channel Partner Program lets you decide the level of participation that is most appropriate for your business and provides the highest return based on your value proposition. We have set the stage for success that supports you at every step, from pre-sales to field support.  Working together, we can continue to focus on creating innovative solutions that drive profitability and sustain a competitive edge!

To learn more about the Channel Partner Program, please contact us, via email: or give us a call: 1-800-668-2185.

To learn more about I'm InTouch, visit our web site at
To learn more about I'm InTouch Meeting, visit our web site at
To learn more about I'm OnCall, visit our web site at

01 Communique, 01 Communique Logo, and I'm InTouch are trademarks of 01 Communique.  
All other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners
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