How It Works

Step #1:
Download and install I'm InTouch GoMail on to your iPad, iPhone, iPod, or Android device. I'm InTouch GoMail is a FREE App.
Step #2:
Make sure you have Internet connection on your mobile device (e.g. cellular data or WiFi Internet connection) and then launch I'm InTouch GoMail.
Step #3:
Either login to your I'm InTouch account to pick your computer from the list, or quickly find your computer by its Computer Name. (Click Here to see how to create an I'm InTouch account and activate your computer to become I'm InTouch-enabled.)
Step #4:
After authentication, your Outlook is now virtually at your finger tips. (During your first connection I'm InTouch GoMail will prompt if you want to register the mobile device to receive notification when new emails arrive.)